ASA Chitose Association
Sixties People 6
The Navy was there.

U.S. Naval Security Group Detachment, Chitose Japan Fall 1963
This detachment was attached (tenant/host) to the 12th USASA field Station (Kuma Station)
Front row, l-r: CT3 Smith, unk, CT2 Knisley, CT2 Ryan, CT3 Brown, and CT3 Robichaud
Middle row, l-r: CT1 Kelly Bowling (POIC), CT2 Decker, 4 unk, CT2 Unangst, unk, and
Lt. T.J. Kuligowski, (OIC). Back row, l-r: unk, CT3 Hickman, unk, CT3 Parrott, CT2 Dame, CT2 Drews,
and 3 unk. The detachment was made up of Russian linguists, R-Branch (collection), R-Branch (direction
finding) and maintenance personnel. One Navy cook was assigned to the Army messhall. DF operations
were isolated from the main operations building in the affectionately named site called Igloo.
Transportation from barracks or the ops building was done in a very old, 4 wheel-drive weapons carrier.

At The Lake

Camping Trip Haroman Reservoir

Camping Trip Haroman Reservoir

Arriving for Work

Chitose Chit l Snow

Company Clerk

Snack Bar

Porter Slagle                                                    Jack Rutherford

           Joe Pyle                                                                    Levi and Marge Joy

Jack Davis                                                                 Tim Johnson

Tom Close, John Tweedy

Slagle, Hobbs, Hicks

Pete Bell, Tom Close

John Tweedy, Tom Kopera, Stan Smith

T. Kopera, Tom Shilds, (unk), Tim Johnson, Stan Smith

Stan Smith, Houseboy, John Tweedy

Phil Peters (Me)

Jim Kempf and Rob Kundtz

Navy Personnel Kelly Bowling, Mark Barrett, Gene Shoemaker, John Braswellin

Serving the Needy: Sheila McCann