ASA Chitose Association
Tribute to Roy Gettz after 30 years of organizing the
Upon hearing that several couples had gotten
together for a Chitose reunion, he decided to attend the second reunion
held in Las Vegas. He immediately got involved by taking on the task
of maintaining the membership list. He maintained the list for over
30 years. Through his efforts the membership
grew from the initial 15 members to over 3000 members. Roy served on the
Board of Directors and was its’ guiding hand. He never gave orders but
would suggest to the Board what needed to be done and what options that
could be used to come to a successful conclusion. Roy loved the reunions
and wanted them to be fun and organized for all the members. He set
the high standard that continues to keep them the best reunions. Roy's
tireless pursuits resulted at doubling the number who attended the 3rd
reunion held in Nashville in 1991 than attended the 2nd reunion.
Through Roy's efforts, and others, the reunions have grown to
be a grand party. Roy has also hosted 3 different reunions in
Kissimmee, Florida. On several occasions members of Bei Yu Kai
arranged to attend the ASA Chitose Reunions. Roy contacted the Bei Yu Kai
(American Friend Japanese Association) in Chitose Japan. This
Association is made up of former employees at the Field Station Chitose,
local business, and civic leaders, who had an association with Field
Station Chitose. On several occasions members of Bei Yu Kai arranged
to attend the ASA Chitose Reunions. Roy organized several trips back
to Chitose with the latest trip in 2016. The trips included
local site seeing, a visit to the Chitose site and meeting with the Bei Yu
Kai as well with local government officials. Roy also undertook the
task of selling ASA and Chitose paraphernalia (T-shirts, patches, hats,
etc.) to the membership. The Association owes Roy a lot of gratitude
for all he has done enthusiastically and that special bond he has created
with the Good Old 12Th USA ASA Field Station Chitose.

Kyoko and Roy

Carlo Giovannitti, one of the
original members, and Roy
"The 1st" Chitose ASA Reunion was the idea of four guys
from Eastern Ohio and Western Pennsylvania
Bill Christie, Bill (Bucky)
Straka, Dick Ronzi and Don Urwin, with the blessing and much needed support of
their wives.
They contacted, Don Holtz, California, Carl Gunn, Mississippi,
Jim Coyle, Western Ohio and Carlo Giovannitti in South Jersey.
We all met in
Warren (Niles) Ohio at a motel, had a Hospitality Suite.
Dick and Judy Ronzi
hosted a picnic at their home on the lake and we had a great dinner at a
Japanese Restaurant, Of Course!
At this
reunion we decided to do it again as it was such a fun time. We chose Las
More of the Chitose Gang was located, Especially Roy Gettz. He got
started Big Time and located so many more Chitose people.
There were
approximately 16 couples attending this reunion.
Roy's tireless pursuits led
to a great crowd at the Nashville Reunion in 1991
Through Roy's efforts, and
others it has grown to the grand party it has become.
We owe him a lot of
gratitude for all he has done enthusiastically and that special bond he has with
the Good Old 12Th USASA, Chitose
..........Carlo and Mary Ellen
Roy Past and

Roy Gettz
in 1990 enjoying a drink with the early members of the

Roy with his
Chitose Friends Punchy Kraft and John Kaye

2005 Reunion Kissimmee Florida Phil Peters and Roy
I would like to take this oppurtunity to thank Roy for all the
work he has put into this group.
He has taken the group with a very small
membership and transfered it into a large successful reunion group with
over 3000 members.
It has been my pleasure to work with Roy over the years
and enjoyed going back to Chitose on two occasions with him.
Always enjoyed
seeing him and spending time with him at all the reunions I attended.......Phil

Eileen Goodrich pinning
a flower on Roy who sponsored the 2005 Kissimmee FL

Roy with Tamiko Beckham showing his great sence of

Milt Kessler, Dennis Robson, Roy
Gettz and John Kaye having a few laughs.

Roy Gettz with our past President Andy Goodrich
Roy Gettz, " The Heart and Soul of the Chitose Reunion" The Summer of
1996 a man called Roy Gettz called me to see if I was interested in
attending a Chitose Reunion. He informed me of an upcoming reunion in
Las Vegas, Nevada. I was very interested, so was my wife Eileen who had
heard me talk about my tour in Chitose many times. Ironically he called my
friend in Ron Nichols the same day. It wasn't long before Ron, his wife
Willa, Eileen and I decided we were all in. Our first reunion was held
at the old Alladin Hotel in downtown Las Vegas. It was great fun. I saw
old friends I never thought I would see again. Sgt. Rummery, Sgt.
Delatore. Men from my trick I went to school with at Devens. It was a
dream come true. I wanted more. In the year 2000 at Kissimmee, Florida
I was appointed to the board. There I learned why the reunions were so
organized and so much fun. The reason was Roy Gettz. He was the guiding
hand. Only the 6 board members could vote. The President, the
Vice-President and the Secretary (Roy Gettz) would run the yearly
meetings. Roy was on top of everything. He never gave orders but would
suggest to the board what needed to be done and what options we could use
to come to a successful conclusion. Everyone felt they had a
voice and all voices were listened to. We didn't always agree but we
all felt we had contributed and were respected. There was a spirit of
cooperation and we all enjoyed being part of the team. Roy loved the
reunions. He wanted them to be fun and organized for all the members. He
worked tirelessly to make them the best they could be. Believe me they
were the best and are still the best. Roy Gettz deserves our gratitude
and respect. I want to thank him personally for the great gift he has
given us all. Wonderful times with friends, the interesting places we have
been and all thestories and memories we hold dear. You have done well
old friend, very well indeed. I thank you from the bottom of my
heart. Respectfully,
Andrew Goodrich |

Roy making a presentation at one of our reunion

2014 Roy and Punchy along
with a Japanese newsman who arranged contacts for our 2016 trip to

Roy and the members on our 2016
trip in front of the old headquarters building on Chit 3

Roy presenting
gifts on our trip back to Chitose in 2016

John Kaye, Charlie Murphy, Kumi Kaye, Kieko Murphy Roy Gettz
and members of the JGSDF showing us photos from the 60s.

Having lunch on our trip to Japan
Phil Lux, Phil Peters, Roy Gettz, Harry Garcia and John

Roy Gettz in
John Kaye and Roy Gettz: ONE FOR THE