ASA Chitose Association
Winner of the Roy Gettz Memorial Award 2023

Andy Goodrich

Andy is a true friend
 Andy called in 1996 to say this, he found a group for Chitose reunion and would we like to go. Andy and my husband Ron
were stationed in chitose from 1960 to 1963 so started our 27years of fun and many forever friends.
Andy and his lovely wife Eileen live in Cedar Rapids Iowa
Andy was president of the ASA reunion group for 16 years.You could call Andy about any problems and he just has a way
about him that people wanted to fix the problem or help out. He is always a friend to all.
Every reunion Andy brings new jokes and you can’t wait to hear the next one. Andy loves a good joke and Andy also loves
to play in the pools at the hotel. Just be careful as he loves to practice his cannon balls especially when there are people
standing around the pool.
He deserves the Roy Getz award Willa Nichols

Andy with the love of his life Eileen Goodrich
  I met Andy in 1999 on a trip back to Chitose. Everyone was so nice that I decided I would start going to the reunions. I got to be friends with Andy and his wonderful wife Eileen and I look forward to seeing them each year at the reuions. I enjoyed working with him in his 16 years as President of the group. Great job Andy!. Phil Peters

Andy and Eileen cruising and shopping

Andy and Eileen with old time friend Milt Kessler dancing their hearts away.

Andy with some of his Chitose friends.
The late Ron Nichols, John Eyheridge, Jim Damon, Andy, the late Harry Hopkins, and John Kaye

Andy showing off his muscles.

Andy and some of his friends on the harbor cruise in South Carolina 2023
John Etheridge, Jan Patten, Elmer Hall, Peggy Farmer, Phil Peters, Willa Nichols, Eileen and Andy.

Andy with Bill and Pokey Straka

                         Mary Calder and Andy                                       Peggy Farmer, Eileen Goodrich, Phil Peters, Bill Mitchell and Andy