ASA Chitose Association Inc.  Member List

Due to privacy concerns, address info to include e-mails and phone numbers are not included on the list.
Active (dues paying members) may request a contact with anyone on the list by contacting 
Al Slayton   by e-mail .
Include your e-mail and phone number with the request. Al will contact the individuals for their approval.


Roster Home Page      Click on the letter below to go to that section. 



























Abney Edward M "Mike" Wife Barbara There 63-64 Duty Xportation (air terminals)
Alderson Kenneth A There 61-63 Duty MM
Alexander Sherman W There 59-60 Duty NM
Allen Harlen R There 59-61 Duty MP
Allen R Michael There 68-69
Allen Rodney G Wife Deb There 67-69 Duty TA
Alpaugh Warren C Wife Ruth There 57-59 Duty Supply
Ames Paul Wife Deretha There 69-70 Duty NM
Anderson Verne Wife Kyoko There 66-69 Duty BH/Igloo
Anderson William "Bill" Wife Katharine There 60-62
Aton Rodney C Wife Kei There 64-66 68-70 Duty NM
Ayres Carroll C Wife Kim There 64-67 72-74 Duty BH/Igloo
Babb Herbert There 64-65 Duty SIT
Barber William "Pete" Wife Nellie There 67 Duty TA
Barker Philip J Wife Charlotte There 55-56 Duty VI
Barr Gary J Wife Joan There 67-70 Duty Data Proc
Barry James "Rick" R Wife Nomi There 67-70 Duty SIT
Bavis Deane Wife Dawn There 62-64
Beaman Milton Wife Betty There 58 Duty NM
Beckham Jim Wife Tamiko There 65-68 Duty 1SGT Co B
Beckman John G There 67-69
Benson John M There 57 Duty TTST
Benson Nelson L Wife Becky There 63
Bertelsen Fred G Wife Marceline There 59-62 Duty NM2
Bettridge James "Jim" There 61-63 Duty TA2
Bicio Frank E Wife Beverly There 58-59 Duty Courier Off
Billings Al Wife Shirley There 62-65 Duty TA
Bissen Paul A Wife Martha There 57-59 61-64 Duty NM3&4
Bittner Fred Wife Jet Klein There 63-67 Duty Sp Svc Sup
Bixby John Wife Katie There 66-68 Duty Post Courier
Black Gary There 67-68 Duty BH/Igloo
Blankenship Hubert C Wife Joan
Bohannon Jim Wife Charolotte There 63-64
Boltz Jim Wife Jeanette There 61-63
Bonta Eugene A There 66-68 Duty MM
Boone Gary F Wife Merrily There 63-65 Duty BH/Igloo
Borden Leo Wife Barbara There 59-61 Duty MM
Bottomley Tom Wife Kay There 67 Duty MM1
Bowe Richard A Wife Tina There 62-69 Duty TA
Bowen Walter Lee Wife Judy There 59-62 Duty SOU 24
Bowling Kelly There 63-64 Duty Navy
Bowman William R Wife Cathy There 67-69 Duty TA
Boydstun Jerry Don Wife Deborah There 66-68 Duty VI
Boyette Dave Wife Marsha There 65-67 Duty SIT3
Braithwaite Ralph R There 67-70 Duty TA
Brand John Wife Linda
Brawner Bobbie G Wife Julia There 54-56 Duty SIT
Broughton William Ken Wife Brenda There 62-64 Duty CA
Brown Carl M Wife Patsy There 69-70
Brown Johnny A Wife Faye There 57-59 Duty MM3
Brown Terry L Wife Cristie There 69-71 Duty BH/Igloo
Bryden John M Wife Eunice There 59-60 Duty Finance
Buckett Pat Wife Kazuko There 57-59 Duty AFRTS
Bullock Ron Wife Sandy There 68-70 Duty Adj Off
Burdick Richard "Dick" Wife Michelle There 68-70 Duty NM4
Burns Arthur L Wife Mary There 58-61 Duty TA
Buser Gary Wife Gloria There 69-70
Bye Robert H Wife Pat There 60-64 Duty CO Hq Co
Campagna Joseph V Wife Shizuka There 64-66 Duty BH/Igloo
Campbell Ron Wife Joyce There 65-68 Duty BH/Igloo
Castle Bob D There 66-70 Duty BH/Igloo
Chacon Carlos E There 68-70 Duty MM
Chestnut Richard L There 62-65 Duty NM1
Christian Richard A There 68-69 Duty MP
Chrzastek John Wife Jan There 66-68 Duty MM
Cleary Richard M Wife Nancy There 53-55 Duty MM
Clites Darrell There 69-71
Cohen Lewis G Wife Ella There 60-62 Duty TA
Collins Ray A Wife Rose There 63-65 Duty A Ops Maint
Connell Robert E Wife Ruby There 62-65 Duty Personnel
Conrad John E Wife Deb There 68-70 Duty A Ops Maint
Conrad Joseph V Wife Pat There 64-65 Duty Trk 3
Cox John T Wife Carole There 66-69 Duty BH/Igloo
Craft Robert "Bob" L There 53-54 Duty TA3
Crane Carlton Randy Wife Barbara There 64-66 Duty SIT3
Crawford John E Wife Lucretia There 66-68 Duty Motor Pool
Crim John W Wife Judy There 68-70 Duty Com Center
Crumly Eldred Lamar There 69-70 Duty Photo
Cushman Ron E Wife Diana There 50-54 Duty 3717
Dalrymple James F Wife Judy There 62-63 Duty VI
Damon Jim Wife Louise There 61-63 Duty MM3
Davis Gerald V There 60-63 Duty MP
Davis Macon R Wife Bonnie There 66-69 Duty Hospital
Dawson Charles G Wife Myreia E There 54-56 Duty NM
Delvas James L There 61-63
Demeter W Robert Wife Eileen There 63-65 Duty NM1
Denn Joseph Wife Patricia There 64-66 Duty MP
Dennison Richard Wife Kim There 59-60 Duty MM
Denny Robert "Bob" E Wife Stirling There 63-65 Duty TA1
Devine Darrel Wife Alene There 60-63 Duty Post Sig
Dietz Harvey Wife Blanca There 60-62 Duty MM
Dodd Claude E There 64-67 Duty MP TS&SCO
Dunn Leroy "Ed" There 54-56 Duty A Ops Sup
Eakes Roy P There 60-63 Duty Comm Center
Eastman Andrew "Andy" R Wife Audrey There 69-70 Duty NM
Edens James "Jim" Wife Linda There 66-68 Duty NM
Elliot Jim Wife Raiko There 69-70 Duty TA
 Erbe Harley G  Wife Louise There 62-63 65-68 Duty BH/Igloo NM
Eros John F Wife Amber There 63-65 Duty TA
Etheridge John C Wife Jan There 61-63
Even Gary P Wife Mary There 68-70 Duty MP
Evonek Michael J There 69-70 Duty SIT
Fancher Don Wife Sandra There 68-69 Duty BH/Igloo
Fields Billy J Wife Rosemary There 58-61 Duty NM
Fincher David C Wife Celia There 66-67 Duty Comm Center
Floyd Clarence E Wife Bonnie There 64-69 Duty BH/Igloo
Flynn Thomas J Wife Alice
Flynn Thomas L Wife Eleanore There 57-58
Forsyth James C Wife Sylvia There 59-62 Duty Hqs Sup
Fox Peter D There 68-70 Duty VI
Frampton Lonnie K Wife Faye There 59-62 Duty TTST
Freeman Robert M Wife Sharon E There 65-69
Frickey Norman G Wife Sharon There 63-66 Duty Hospital
Fulkerson Robert P There 68-70 Duty MM
Funai Joseph T Wife Anne There 61-62 Duty TA
Funfrock Samuel D Wife Alexis There 59-61 Duty MM2
Gajewski Roger Wife Peggy L There 69-70 Duty NM4
Garcia Harry Wife Lily There 65-67 Duty MM
Gardner Cleautis Wife Jeanette There 56-59 Duty MM3
Giese Peter "Pete" Wife Constance There 57-60 66-69 Duty MP/SIT
Gilfone James "Jim" Wife Jean There 67-70 Duty Post Eng
Gill Walter "Walt" There 69-70 Duty NM4
Gilliam Buddy A There 64-66 Duty Data Proc3
Ginther Tom Wife Jeanne There 65-66 Duty NM4
Giovannitti Carlo Wife Mary Ellen There 57-58
Glass Lee Wife Sachiko There 62-65 Duty MM2/3
Glunt Palmer K There 69-70 Duty BH/IglooMaint
Gogets Ernest W
Gomez Dave Wife Carol There 65-68 Duty C o B Clerk
Goodnight Kyle R Wife Joyce There 67-69 Duty Comm Center
Goodrich Andrew C Wife Eileen There 61-63 Duty SIT3
Gordy John W Wife Wanda There 61-64 Duty CO 11th Opns
Granger Nolan P There 59-60 Duty NM3
Grattan John W "Gene" Wife Akiko There 58-60
Graves Eugene F 'Fred" Wife Bev There 64-66 Duty BH/IglooMaint
Greene Robert "Bob" L There 55-57 Duty SIT
Greetan Darryl E Wife Rosie There 60-62 Duty MP
Grier Dennis L Wife Yunki There 67-70 Duty MM3
Grier William B Wife Betty W There 63-65 Duty MM2
Grospitch Ernie Wife Sandra There 65-66 Duty BH/IglooMaint
Grunden Jr Walter T Wife Carol There 58-59 64-67 Duty A Ops Maint
Guevin George T There 61-63 Duty SIT
Guimond Paul M Wife Christine There 68-70 Duty NM
Gutzky Robert R Wife Carrol There 69-70 Duty S2 NCOIC
Haberstroh John R Wife Leslie There 62-64 Duty VI
Hadaway Jim Wife Betty There 56-58
Haire Paul E Wife Julia There 60-62 Duty MM3
Hale Richard Wife Carolyn There 68-70
Hall Elmer J Wife Clara There 61-63 Duty MM3
Hallstead Ernest Clark Wife Janet
Hammond Clement "Hugh" Wife Norma There 59-61
Hammond Hank There 61-63 Duty SIT
Hampton Rick Wife Kathy There 67-69 Duty Hospital
Hancock James Russell There 57-58
Hanke Robert "Bob" A Wife Xiangbing There 64-66 Duty BH/Igloo
Harden Lonny R There 65-67 Duty MP
Harding Ron W Wife Joan There 64-66 69-71 Duty TA
Haun Thomas "Tom" There 67-69 Duty SIT
Haynes Willard R Wife Gail There 67-68 Duty MP
Heald Thomas E Wife Maryann There 62-64 Duty Sit
Heflin Thomas Wife Carole There 64-65 Duty VI
Heiner Rod Wife Sherry There 59-62 Duty A Ops Maint
Henson James D There 61-63
Herbert Bud Walter Wife Susan There 62-63
Herndon Patrick C Wife Sheila There 61-63 Duty MM2
Hicks John W Wife Shirley There 65-67 Duty XmtrSite
Hicks Lester R Wife Ellen There 62-64 Duty A Ops Maint
Hilliker Don Wife Glenda There 69-70 Duty MM
Hodges Thomas H Wife Susan There 67-69
Hollander Henry W Wife Sheila There 68-70 Duty Hospital
Hollerman William A Wife Dianne There 65-68 Duty Hospital
Hollingsworth James "Jimmy" T There 62-63
Holmes Gordon E Wife Cathy There 60-62 Duty NM3
Holp Richard A Wife Ruth There 54-56
Holtz Donald There 56-59 Duty NM4
Hopkins Harry L Wife Anabel There 61-63 Duty TA3
Hornbuckle Lynn "Bobby" Wife Virginia There 58-59 Duty Comm Center
Horne James R There 54-56 Duty MM3
Houlberg Ed There 66-68 Duty TA
Hoyt Dave There 59-62 68-70 Duty MM
Hoyt Dave There 59-62 68-70 Duty MM
Huber Frank D Wife Anita There 67
Huckabee Charles D There 63-65 Duty Comm Center
Huffstetler Richard "Rich" Wife Mary Lou There 68-70
Hughes Robert E There 69-70 Duty NM
Hurd John E Wife Carol There 55-56 Duty MM2
Hutchins Jerry There 66-69 Duty MM1
Irving Dick Wife Mandy There 62-69 Duty BH/Igloo
Jardel John "Jack' Perry There 63-65
Jensen Larry M There 59-61 Duty MM1
Jocelyn David P There 66-68 Duty Spec Proc
Johnson Ronald W Wife Jo Ann There 54-56 Duty Personnel
Johnson Stuart L Wife Darlene There 57-59 Duty MM
Jones Clyde Wayne Wife Linda There 69-70 Duty BH/Igloo
Jones Glen M Wife Jorun There 62-64 Duty MM2
Jones Joe Wife Maggie There 63-65 Duty MM2
Jones Martin E Wife Shirley There 50-51
Jones Jr Lester L Wife Sandra There 60-62 Duty NM
Joyce John Wife Niki There 62-63 Duty MM
Kaps Nicholas "Nick" Wife Rita There 54-57 Duty NM
Kaye John Wife Kumi There 61-69 Duty MM/CMA
Kelly Kenneth R Wife Barbara There 57-58
Kelly Thomas Wife Donna There 70-71 Duty Sup & Svc
Kelsey Terry A Wife Renee There 59-61 Duty NM3
Kempf Jim Wife Jacqueline There 60-62 Duty MM2
Kennedy William L Wife Quinna There 62-64 Duty MM4
Kessler Jr Milton W There 57-59 Duty Comm Center
Killian James A Wife Connie There 52-53 Duty Comm Center
Kirkpatrick Gary L Wife Lee There 66-69 Duty Comm Center Maint
Kitchin Norman "Norm" E Wife Toshiko There 58-64 Duty SIT Kami
Klindt Jerry L There 67-68 Duty TA
Klosson Klark Wife Christina There 64-67
Klusman John Wife Debra There 66-67 Duty MM
Knapp Donald D There 61-64 Duty Personnel
Knishka Thomas L Wife Elsie There 57-59 Duty MM
Kostkowski Dave J Wife Charlotte There 69-70 Duty Data Proc
Kraft Ken (Punchy) There 63-64 Duty TA
Kriney Arthur "Art" G Wife Peggy/Masui There 57-60 Duty Personnel
Kronberg Gene Wife Lenore There 63-65 Duty MM
Krsiean Leroy Wife Ann There 63-65 Duty MM2
Kuhne Phillip H Wife Madeline There 62-64 Duty NM
Kulp Harry R Wife Margaret There 62-65 Duty TA
LaPerle Roger R Wife Beverly There 68-70 Duty NM
Lauffer Erwin A There 66-70 Duty Comm Center
Lee Jr John E Wife Mary There 57-59 Duty MM3
Leiss Robert H There 54-55 Duty Ord Rm
Lewis Ray R Wife Pandora There 57-59
Lewis Ronald "Ron" D Wife Sachiko H There 67-68 Duty MM
Liesman Marvin There 52-53 Duty VI/TA 4
Limpach Ronald "Ron" There 59-61 Duty NM
Lindsey Bradley B Wife Thuy There 62-64 Duty NM3
Losee Thomas L Wife Carol There 57-59 Duty MM
Lowe Kenneth R Wife Patricia There 59-60 Duty A Ops
Lux Phillip A Wife Kisun There 62-65 Duty Post Eng
MacDonald Bill Wife Mary Alice There 67-69 Duty MM
Macht Jr Carl T Wife Matilda There 62-64 Duty Line Crew
Maguirk John P There 60-61
Maidel Jr Paul A Wife Barbara There 67 Duty MM
Majerus Steven J Wife Sandy There 63-64
Mallett John Wife Heidi There 69-70 Duty BH/Igloo
Manabe Naomi
Mann John (Jack) R Wife Millie There 60-63 Duty MM3
Mansfield Bob C Wife JoAnn There 58-59 Duty MM
Marinaccio Louis A Wife Marjorie There 53-54 Duty MM
Maurer Gerald Wife Marcella There 69 Duty BH/Igloo
McCombs Kenneth "Ken" R Wife Marlene There 62-64 Duty MM
McCracken Joseph R Wife Charlene There 59-61 Duty A Ops Maint
McFarlin Richard B Wife Lori There 59-63 Duty NM
McLaughlin Richard K Wife Marjorie There 62-64 Duty VI
McLeod Charlie Wife Joan There 69-70 Duty Veteranary
McRae. Larry T Wife Ruth There 64-65 Duty TA
Mead Michael C Wife Joyce There 64-66 Duty BH/Igloo
Mears William "Will" Wife Peggy There 66-67 Duty MM4
Melchior Gene Wife Deanna There 68-70 Duty AF Det 446
Mikus Jr Jerry J Wife Harriet There 67-70 Duty MM
Miller Del R There 57-59 Duty MM
Mirrielees William Wife Yasuko There 63-65 Duty NM4
Mitchell Keith Wife Mary There 65-68 Duty BH/Igloo
Mitchell Robert "Bob" W Wife Kathleen There 64-65 Duty VI
Mitchell William Wife Linda There 65-67 Duty NM
Mitzner Dennis J Wife Janelle R There 69-71 Duty BH/Igloo
Molter Tom Wife Lynda There 60-63 Duty Personnel
Monken George N Wife Vicki There 66-69 Duty TA
Moore James There 66-69 Duty Comm Center
Moore John T There 55-57 Duty VI
Moran Walter Wife Edna There 67-71 Duty A Ops
Mowbray Philip "Phil" E Wife Paulette There 66-69 Duty NM
Munger Lee L Wife Christina "Tina" There 68-71 Duty Data Proc
Murphy Charles W Wife Kieko There 75-78 80-82
Myers Ronald K Wife Carol There 69 Duty NM
Neeley Kenneth R Wife LaFaye There 61-63 Duty NM
Nehlen Jack L There 61-62
Neiswender Robert G Wife Mary There 59-62 Duty Hq Co Clerk
Nepp Harlan Wife Kathryn There 67-70 Duty PostSig
Newland Frank Rufus There 59-61 Duty MM2
Newman James H Wife Sally There 57-59
Norwitch Frank H Wife Sherry There 68-71 Duty Ops Maint
O'Donnell Harold B Wife Hazel There 58-60
Ornelas John M There 64-66 Duty Hqs Co
Ortman Gerald Wife Joyce There 61-63
Osborne James "Jim" J Wife Ann There 58-60 Duty TA2
Osur Stanley There 67-69 Duty Finance
Owens Alan P There 53-54 Duty Navy
Paige Cyril Wife Jane There 57-60 Duty MM
Palazzo Cy V Wife Jeannie There 59-61 Duty MM2
Parrott Leon Wife Sandy There 68-69
Patterson David L Wife Jo Ann There 63-65 Duty TA
Pavelchak Basil Wife Lorraine There 54-55 Duty VI
Pendleton Jesse C Wife Barbara There 55-58 Duty MP
Perkins Ray L Wife Atsuko There 63-65 Duty Hospital
Perog Walter "Walt" Wife Diana There 60-63 Duty Personnel
Peters Joe Wife Takako There 66-70
Peters Phil There 62-64 Duty TA4
Peterson Robert D Wife Linda There 62-64 Duty MM2
Petite Ronald W Wife Shirley There 56-60 Duty Data Proc
Phillips Verale "Blackie" There 61-63 Duty MM4
Pitonyak Steven P Wife Jan There 69-70 Duty NM4
Pobanz Buck Wife Lorraine There 58-60
Poole Gary Y Wife Cynthia There 70 Duty TA
Posey Kenneth Wife Pat There 57-58 Duty VI
Potter Phillip M There 66-69 Duty BH/Igloo
Powell Jr Milton Terry Wife Kim There 69-71 Duty NM4
Powvorznik Albert F There 57-59 Duty 722
Pratl Joseph W Wife Louise There 55-56 Duty NM
Presley Hubert Wife Judy There 61-64 Duty Post Eng
Pro James T Wife Sandra There 69-70 Duty NM4
Propst Edward "Ed" Wife Miyako There 57-59 Duty A Ops Maint
Rainwater Stephen "Steve" R Wife Bette There 59-62 Duty MM3
Ratcliffe Richard There 67-69
Reading David R Wife Jan There 65-68 Duty BH/IglooMaint
Reph Jr Arthur C Wife Madeline There 58-59 Duty Makabetsu
Richter William "Rick" There 68-69 Duty SIT
Ridings Woodrow D "Buddy" Wife Helen There 55-57 Duty NM
Riedman Jr Valentine "Val" J Wife Christl There 53-57 Duty MP
Rimmer Ivan J Wife Pat There 68-70
Ritter Lyman L Wife Bea There 61-63 Duty MM4
Roberts Stephen "Steve" A Wife Lou There 61-64 Duty SIT
Roberts William "Bill" J Wife Suzy There 69-71 Duty TA
Robson Dennis Wife Carolyn There 58-60 Duty A Ops Maint
Rodenbaugh Terry Wife Lillian There 57-59 Duty Comm Center
Rodenberger Harold G Wife Ikuko There 63-65 Duty NM
Romano John Wife Rita
Rounds Mike Wife Violet There 67-68 Duty 98B Cryto Anal
Russell Keith T There 58-60 Duty A Ops Maint
Rutherford Jack Wife Bonnie There 61-63 Duty A Ops Maint
Ryan Dan Wife Arlene There 62-63 Duty Finance
Saecker Jr Wellington Mills There 65-67 Duty MM
Saltzman Stephen J There 67-71 Duty NM2 & 4
Sattazahn Richard H Wife Ann There 61-64 Duty Data Proc
Scherbel Gerald There 56-58 Duty TA3
Schneider Michael Duty Opns Maint TT
Scholten James :Jim" There 66-68 Duty TA
Schumacher Damian E There 67-70 Duty BH/Igloo
Schwenk Sr Barry L Wife Thelma There 69-70 Duty 98J
Scott William T Wife Nancy There 62-63 Duty Hospital
Scott Jr Norman B There 62-64 Duty MM2
Screws Eldon Wife Bobbie There 63-68 Duty NM3
Segars William J Wife Marion There 62-67 Duty VI
Seifert Harry A Wife Joan There 56-59 Duty NM
Sells Steve Wife Delores There 60-62 Duty MM
Sevison Paul F Wife Lorraine There 55-57 Duty MM4 Makabetsu
Shaner Dave "Mike" Wife Kim There 57-64 Duty Brat
Shanley Thomas E Wife Nancy There 62-64 Duty MP
Sharp Bartholomew "Bart" Wife Janet There 60-63 Duty SIT
Shaw Willard B Duty Comm Center2
Shell Dennis E Wife Jamie There 61-62 Duty SIT
Simono Jerry Wife Sue There 61-64 Duty TA
Slagle Porter D Wife Charlotte There 62-64 Duty A Ops Maint
Slayton Alvin "Al" W There 69-70 Duty NM4
Smith Jeff W There 69-70 Duty A Ops Maint
Smith Louis E Wife Linda There 68-70 Duty 31L
Smith Richard "Dick" A Wife Helen There 59-61 Duty MM
Smith Richard L Wife Eunice There 63-65 Duty Comm Center
Smith Samuel G Wife Robin There 68-69 Duty Hospital
Smith Stanley S Wife Judi There 57-59 Duty MM3
Snyder Steven L Wife Peg There 68-70
Sperry Don T Wife Chris There 62-65 Duty TA2
Spitler William "Bill" H Wife Ann There 68-70 Duty MM
Spooner Richard Wife Shirley There 56-57 Duty VI
Stablein George H Wife Carol There 61-63 Duty MM3
Stabler James A There 68-69 Duty BH/IglooMaint
Staley Jon M Wife Leslie There 65-67 Duty MP S-2
Stanwood Forrest K Wife Jo Anne There 57-59 Duty MM3
Stapleton Clint Z Wife Lynne There 69-71 Duty Finance
Stewart William "Bill" B Wife Pauline There 58-59 Duty MM2/3
Stinson Bobby D Wife Becky There 63-65 Duty Comm Center
Stowell Warren A Wife Rosemarie There 54-57 Duty Ant Maint
Stoyanoski Walter Wife Judy There 63-65 Duty MM4
Straka William R Wife Mary Katherny "Pokey" There 56-57 Duty NM
Strauss Raymond J There 63-65 Duty 12th Opns Co
Stroud C Walton Wife Shelva There 53-55 Duty MM
Suhaka Edward J Wife Barbara There 69-71 Duty BH/Igloo
Swander John R Wife Linda There 63-65 Duty TA
Swing James P Wife Dee There 53-56 Duty Co Clerk
Swords Jerry M Wife Joyce There 68-70 Duty BH/Igloo
Syracuse Michael There 65-66 Duty BH/Igloo
Taaffe Richard C There 58-60 Duty MM2
Tarlecki Alfred L Wife Kathleen There 64-67 Duty MM2
Taylor Preston Wife Patricia There 58-59 Duty Data Proc
Teal Jay M Wife Breda There 62-64 Duty TA
Thielman Leroy "Lee" O Wife Patricia "Patty" J There 62-65 Duty Comm Center
Thomas Michael E Wife Phylis There 65-68 Duty SIT
Thompson Robert "Hank" Wife Ethylene There 59-63 Duty MM4
Thompson Sceley T Wife Yoshiko There 61-65 Duty SIT
Thornburg Glen W Wife Carolyn There 55-57
Tobey III John Wife Kathleen There 65-66 Duty NM
Townsend Gary L Wife Lucille Duty Hq Co
Ubrich Richard J Wife Cheryl There 60-62 Duty NM
Underwood Richlon "Rich" G There 59-61 Duty MM
Upchurch Dwight Wife Betty There 56-62 69-70 Duty NM
Uselis Stephen J There 67 Duty A Ops Maint
Vance Stephen There 65-67 Duty Data Proc
Varcalli Thomas There 67-70 Duty XmtrSite/Photo
Vedquam Wayne G There 60-62 Duty Personnel
Vines Joe P There 55-56 60-61 Duty NM3 MP
Violette Martin H There 63-65 Duty VI
Voss Larry D There 59-65 Duty A Ops
Walcher Steve L Wife Gloria There 70-71 Duty SpSvc
Waldmann David "Dave" L Wife Maria There 62-65 Duty BH/IglooMaint
Walker Frank L Wife Jeanette There 57-59 Duty NM3
Walkowski Kenneth J Wife Dorothy There 62-65 Duty A Ops Maint
Wallace Robert E Wife Georgia There 57-59
Walton James "Jim" P There 61-63 Duty TA
Ward James C Wife Irma There 64-66
Waters George There 64-67 Duty BH/Igloo
Weber Kenneth There 56-57
West David "Dave" A Wife Mary Lee There 65-67 68-70 Duty A Ops Pwr
Weston Mike Wife Becky There 67-70 Duty A Ops Cont
Wetherby Alfred Dudley Wife Nancy There 54-56 Duty Comm Center Maint
Wheelock Gary L Wife Suzanne There 57-59
White Harry C Wife Jeanie There 68-70 Duty BH/Igloo
Widdowson Richard "Dick" E Wife Cynthia There 63-65 Duty NM
Wigglesworth Bill Wife Sandra There 59-61 Duty MM
Williams James P Wife Donna There 62-63 Duty VI
Williams Ronald G Wife Margaret There 60-61 Duty NM
Wirt Jim There 68-70
Witmer Walter R Wife Sandra There 64-67 Duty MM4
Wolfe Ronald F Wife Arlene There 57-59 Duty A Ops Maint
Woodruff Richard There 63-65 Duty NM2
Woyma Ernest M Wife Joanne There 64-68 Duty Adj Off
Wyatt Hugh C Wife Patricia There 62-63 Duty VI
Zoglman Robert R Wife Bobby Sue There 64-65 Duty BH/Igloo